Things I loved this june & july

I want to be more intentional about what I purchase, and one of the ways that I hope to do this is by limiting my amazon purchases to every other month, if not more. Did you know that you can actually PAUSE your amazon prime membership? Pausing your membership is not even something you have to do every month, but you can actually just leave it paused for as long as you need to before you activate again. That is if you want to even activate again.

I am not sure I will reactivate - but probably if I have a good list of things I need to get. I do think there are some things that are either far cheaper on amazon or only found on amazon - so there is that! Although, cheaper is debatable because who ads the cost of their monthly membership to the total? And if you think about what you probably would have saved if you did not have prime, I think it adds up! It is actually proving to add up for me quite significantly and I don’t think I ordered as much as I would have wanted to, haha!

I chose to cancel prime because I needed to think about the following:

  • Do I really need items to be shipped to be ASAP or can I wait?

  • I felt that having amazon prime is what often led me to lurk/search on amazon for things I might need (free shipping right?) - almost as a way to justify my membership.

  • If I had to pay for shipping would I be ordering as much?

  • If I can source what I want to purchase on Amazon locally would I be more mindful with my money? And it would give me more opportunity to visit local businesses/small shops -make local connections which this extrovert loves!

I do not want to convince you to cancel yours, but sharing my journey with cancelling mine. I like challenges and this one felt like I one I wanted to try. I think every couple of months (or more) I will share what I have tried from amazon or other online stores because I hope these purchases will be far more intentional - they already have been as I have bought exactly 0 things for the last two weeks from amazon. So here have been my favorites for the months of June & July this year!

Let me know if you have any questions about any of these are they are absolutely all products I have been using and loving all summer long!

* as an amazon associate A SWELL SPACE LLC earns a small commission at no extra cost to you when you purchase. I appreciate your support.


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