Gift Guide For The Work From Home Mom


Work from home mama’s are in a wide spectrum. Some work from home mama’s work 40-hour long weeks in their home office, while simultaneously attending to some home tasks such as loading the dishwasher, starting the laundry, prepping dinner on the insta-pot, and managing drop off, pick up, and other tasks.

Other work from home from mom’s stay home with their preschoolers, while putting a few hours of work early in the am, late in the pm, weekends, and during nap-time or while on their phone in any small moments they can catch.

Other work from home mom’s are committed to homeschooling and caring for their kids essentially 24/7 while also logging in a few hours of work everyday/week.

Everyone’s situation is a little bit different, some work from home mama’s absolutely delight themselves in having a way to earn income from home and have projects to complete outside of being a mama and home- keeper. Other work from home mama’s wish they did not have to work, but realize it is a sacrifice needed to make in order to provide for their family. Other work from home mama’s may sometimes wish they did have an office to-go to since working from home can sometimes feel just a little bit lonely.

Regardless, most work from home mom’s struggle with separating work from home and feeling comfortable while working. Many work-from-home mom’s end up working in various parts of their home, not just the office and depending on their day situation so they have to find creative ways to make their work-station a little bit more mobile.

In this list you will find a quick list of items that could make the work-from-home-mama you know seen, understood, and appreciated!

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Welcoming Sal Staudenmaier


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